
The Delay Doppler Map (DDM) Autoencoder is a deep learning algorithm that aims to compress and decompress spatial image data while retain as much of the information as necessary.

View the Project on GitHub realtimshady1/DDMautoencoder

DDM Autoencoder

The Delay Doppler Map (DDM) Autoencoder is a deep learning algorithm that aims to compress and decompress spatial image data while retain as much of the information as necessary.



Default settings

  1. Run python ddmautoencoder.py in command line
    1. Make sure you have the necessary libraries specified in requirements.txt, otherwise, run the following in your command line pip install -r requirements.txt
    2. Make sure you have the files mentioned in the ‘Files’ section in the same directory as ddmautoencoder.py

Custom settings

  1. Create custom DDM dataset a. The MERRByS website hosts a large collection of publically available L1b data. The data can be simply but slowly downloaded after registering a user account. b. One of the satellite engineers and researcher Philip Jales has a repository for processing the raw data downloaded from the MERRByS website c. ExtractDDM.m is a custom script that extracts exclusively the DDM data from the ddms.nc and saves them into a matrix dataset DDMtrain.mat

